Why Must I Clean Awnings? A lot of businesses use awnings to enhance the appearance of their building. Properly designed and cared for awnings can make a building look beautiful and classy. When a business takes the time to regularly clean and reseal their awnings, they are showing their customers that they care about the appearance of their business.
Additionally, did you know that regular awning cleaning and sealing can help extend the life of your awnings by as much as 50%? This is an important fact not just for the health of your investment but also because it keeps them looking great for years.
If you’re unsure how often you should clean your awnings, there are some easy ways to tell if they need it. First, take a look at the color of the fabric. If it’s starting to become discolored or fading in areas, that’s one sign that cleaning is needed. Another way is by checking for dirt buildup on the fabric’s surface; if there’s an accumulation of dust or grime on top of it, it also needs attention!
You might need to clean your awnings more frequently if you live in a high-traffic area or near a field. If you don’t live in the city and have an awning protected from dust by trees or a fence, you can wait until the end of the season before having them cleaned.
If you are looking for how to clean awnings, you must first determine whether your vinyl or acrylic awning needs to be cleaned. You should also know what cleaner will work best for your material.
If using a store-bought cleaner, follow the directions on the label. Most can be applied with a spray bottle or dipped into water before applying it to the awning material. Be sure to read all directions ahead of time so that you know what kind of surface you’re working with (vinyl versus acrylic) and whether or not there are any special instructions for use on those types of materials before applying any chemicals directly onto them!
If using homemade cleaners instead of store-bought ones, mix them in an empty spray bottle before applying them directly onto your awning surfaces. You’ll need about one cup per gallon (4 cups total) of water if using laundry detergent as part of your cleaning solution.
To start, mix one-part bleach with two parts water. Next, add one part of dish soap into the mixture and stir it together until it’s dissolved completely. Once everything is mixed well, put on protective eye gear because this mixture can irritate if it comes into contact with your eyes or skin.
Use a spray bottle to apply the solution onto the moldy area of your canvas or acrylic awning using even strokes so that all spots get covered evenly without dripping off prematurely while spraying up high enough above the ground so that none of those droplets come down onto any other part of your home or building either!
Allow this solution to sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing off all extra liquid entirely with fresh water afterward!
NOTE: This method works best if you have mildewed fabric awnings. If you have metal or vinyl awnings, then this process may cause damage to the material in that case!
If your awning is made of vinyl, mix 1 part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle and apply the solution directly to the mildew. Let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it off with a soft cloth or sponge.
For mildew that has been allowed to set in for some time, you may need to use a stronger commercial cleaner.
If you have an aluminum awning, you can clean it with a bleach and water solution. You’ll want to mix one part bleach with six parts water and then apply that mixture with a spray bottle. Be sure to cover any plants or shrubs surrounding your awning with plastic, so the bleach solution doesn’t ruin them. Let the mixture sit on the surface of your awning for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it off.
Whether a storefront or home, the awning is a vital part of any property. It keeps you dry when it’s raining and shady during those long hot days. For them to perform at optimal levels, your awnings must be cleaned at least once a year. Keep our tips above in mind to keep them in top shape!